Tuesday, August 14, 2012

This Is What Godless Canada Needs To Win Medals

This Is What Godless Canada Needs To Win Medals

Mesert Defar of Ethiopia will be more a household name in Catholic circles in Canada than whoever won the trampoline event.

She was first across the finish line in the 5000 meters and had won two previous 2000 meter championships. The 'first' thing she did as opposed to raising a gloved fist or running a flag around in a victory lap was to thank and pay homage to a Christian Icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. It was a moment the sports media networks either wished to show and definitely not comment on!

Christian Ethiopian track runners in the more glorified summer events do well in world matches.

But, according to the comment section of a London news blog, Ethiopian gold medalists are not the only gold medalists who give praise to God:

"Gotta love these Olympic Gold Medalists crediting God recently? So far we have Missy Franklin, Katie Ledecky, Gabby Douglas, Defar, Bolt…any others?"

Maybe the Canadian Olympic committee and news media leftist establishment, should worry less about being cool hosiers in jean jackets in celebration of bumming around, pot smoking, beer drinking, free sexing at the end of the games, and being so gag-awful, patriotic to a nation firmly ensconced in political correct: multi-culturism, anti-Christianity, Marxist socialism, militant narcissistic feminist and homosexual activism, and free as you please abortions, they might inspire some aid from above.

The only mass religion in Canada now is hockey. It has become the chicken soup for the soul for the Godless

How's that for the truth of it, leaf saluting, tear in my beer, hedonist, Canucks?

God is not only righteously above family which is above nation, He is far,far above nation as is family.
Paul Gordon

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