Monday, June 30, 2014

Canada Still Nothing To Be Proud Of

 It’s not just that Canada’s political establishment shares no Christian values whatsoever. Maybe one or two elected on a fluke from Quebec or Manitoba.

It’s not even that the whole political landscape as part of the establishment part and parcel have no Judeo-Christian ‘values’ meaning a basic adherence to morality.

 It’s that the whole screwed up nation votes these dirty bastards in every time In the nation and within the Provinces.

 And the apparently valueless voters mostly vote them in on Faustian what’s in it for me right here and right now trades. Is the white and red flag so distant to the point of fantasy of the entrenched Canadian leftist establishment (left of even Obama’s administration and the other American leftist societal pillars of society) that the geopolitical reality slop of the land can never stick to it.

 I get it that sometimes (and only sometimes) Canadian’s parents and grandparents could smile patriotic. . but this isn’t their Canada anymore. It’s the one they left unguarded and it’s certainly the one they left behind with what for them to take to the same grave that awaits us all.

They left us our unchecked Marxist masters in government, government unions of monstrous proportion, sole sourced/paid  public educators, idiots of the media news and entertainment, and even managed to liberalize the Catholic, Christian and no doubt Jewish faith formerly their only enemies that weren't afraid to stand up to them.    

Generations of natural families used to add to the nation with every passing year not strip it bare or sacrifice it to world cultures.

Standing on guard for thee?...who and since when.

These days our soldiers are sent to no win political correct wars caused by the most disingenuous religion/culture known in the history of man  that changes absolutely nothing for their ultimate sacrifices. And that has to be the biggest hypocrisy and insult to the flag (if could have any independent merit in reality) to drape a coffin for an absolute meaningless end game from plan to humbled departure

Paul Gordon.

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